Post Officer Duties - Commander

William Clinton Story Post No. 342

Post Officer Duties

Post Operations


“To you, my comrade, is entrusted a very important duty, that of teaching and protecting the cardinal principles of The American Legion throughout your entire post.  
To you is entrusted supervision of the duties of all other officers of the post.  To you may come the needy and the distressed and it is your duty to see that no worthy comrade is turned away without full justice.  
It is your duty to see that Freedom is ever the watchword of those with whom you may come in contact.  Loyalty to your post, to its membership, to the state and to the national organization, are obligations which you now assume. 
You are more than the presiding officer for meetings.  You are guided by the constitution and by the decisions of the post as a body, yet the responsibility for the success of the year’s program is largely on your shoulders.  You must initiate and carry through programs to completion.  You must thoroughly familiarize yourself with the policies and traditions of your post and of The American Legion.  By your sincere acceptance and earnest performance of these duties, may the great trust which your comrades have reposed in you be justified.  To
you I extend the congratulations of the department, and I wish you well as you assume the responsibilities of your office.  I present to you a copy of the Post Officer’s Guide and Manual of Ceremonies to serve as your guide during the coming year.”
--Charge from Installation Ceremony
 Yes, commander, the charge you accepted is broad and difficult.  How you respond will determine to a large degree the standing of The American Legion among your associates and within the community.
Your own ability, the help you obtain from district and department officers, the information contained in this guide, and the help you will get from the post officers who form your team, all combine to make the performance of your job possible. That you have ability is recognized by your election to the office of post commander.  This ability must have been accompanied by desire or you would not have accepted the office.  Everything that follows is provided to
assist you to use the ability that you now have and to develop new skills so that your desire to see the post prosper will become a reality.

As you look to the overall operation of the post, you realize that you have stepped to another level.  You may feel that the step is too high, but as you proceed, following the guidelines suggested, you will develop the organization and leadership among others that will make your year as commander the most rewarding of your life.

Planning Post Operations for the Coming Year
It’s a rare group of new post officers who take office without enthusiasm and a desire for a successful year.  In the charge you accepted at your installation, you were entrusted with the supervision of the duties of all other officers of the post.  This does not mean that you will discourage them from using initiative and developing new ideas.  What it does mean is that you will be judged by the effectiveness of your officers.
There are many ways to determine whether a post commander and their officers are enjoying a successful year.  Judgments of the worth of a post are made by the members, the community, and by The American Legion itself. 
Like it or not, a gain or loss in membership is the measure most often used.  Actually, the membership record is a pretty reliable barometer of what your post is doing.  An active post,
where the members enjoy themselves, often creates a “word of mouth” membership campaign that works almost automatically.  The members are proud to belong.  It’s the most natural thing in the world for them to talk “Legion” to their friends, neighbors, relatives, and business associates.  Since they like belonging to the Legion, they want their friends to get in on a good thing, too.
However, whether it shows or not, a great deal of planning has probably gone into every successful membership campaign.  But, before sales people can sell a product, they have to have a product.  If they are going to do a good job, they have to have a good product--something that people want and will value.  The programs, social activities, chances for making new friendships, sometimes the post home itself--these are what a Legion salesman has to sell.  How we build or get this product is the subject we would like to discuss with you.

Executive Committee
Very early in the game, you will find out that running even a small post is more than a one-person job.  If you don’t, you may feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders.  This is the reason the post constitution provides for a full group of post officers, as well as an executive committee.  They are elected to do specific jobs. 
It’s up to you to get them to work together for the good of the entire post.  You can get off on the right foot by making it a first order of business to call an early meeting of your officers and executive committee.  This can be held even before you are installed.  The outgoing post commander and adjutant might also be invited to attend.
Before the meeting is held, you and your adjutant need to find out what post records are on hand, where they are, and how to use them.

Records and Material
Do you have all of your membership records since the post was chartered or at least for recent years?  Members are proud of their record of continuous membership.  Try to keep that and all of the membership records up-to-date.
Are the complete minutes of all meetings on file or bound?  The keeping and reading of minutes may seem a pretty dull job, but minutes can be extremely important.  More than one law case has turned on what some long-forgotten secretary or adjutant wrote in the minutes of a meeting years ago.
Does the checkbook balance?  Where are the funds, and is all the money accounted for?
Is the post incorporated under the not-for-profit laws of the state?  Where is a copy of the articles of incorporation?  Have the necessary annual reports been filed and any needed fees paid?
Is every officer who will be handling funds bonded?  This is required by the Legion’s national constitution.  Do you have a copy of the post’s constitution and by-laws?  With the changes in post officers from year to year, it’s easy to see how many of these vital records can be lost or misplaced.  So, first make sure that all of the essential records are on hand, that they are where they should be (and not hiding in the desk of some adjutant of ten years ago), and that you know in a general way, at least, what they are.
Budget and Fundraising
Anyone who asks people to come to a meeting should do them the courtesy of preparing an agenda--and doing it in advance. One of the first things on the agenda for this first get-together of new post officers should be money—your post’s budget.  The officers need to know in advance what income can be expected for the year and how it should be spent.
Here are three general principles on post financing that are worth considering. 
You’ll have a good chance of staying out of money troubles if you follow them:
First, make your dues high enough to meet the fixed, administrative costs: postage, stencils, stationery, department dues, in some cases rent--the administrative costs that every post must meet to stay in business. 
Second, if the community is to benefit from an American Legion project, don’t hesitate to solicit the community for funds.  For example, an American Legion baseball team, a community playground or swimming pool.  Actually, the post will add to its public reputation by such projects, but a full public accounting needs to be made of all funds received and of how they are spent.
Third, don’t ask the public to give in the name of charity for any project that will be of benefit primarily to members of The American Legion.  A merchant will donate to send a youngster to Boys State, but he probably wouldn’t care to give money to buy a new cooler for your bar. 

Sometimes it is necessary to raise funds from outside the membership for something that is strictly for the benefit of the post and its members.  When this happens, make sure that the public receives full value. 

Calendar of Events
Your budget is a means to an end.  The amount of money you have is not as important as what you do with it.  So, right along with the budget, you need to set up a calendar of events.  These are the things your post is going to be doing during the coming year.  (See program reminders in Index.)

Committee Assignments
Elected officers will be responsible for some of the activities and projects.  Your appointed chairs will be in charge of others.  Decide at the very beginning what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, and who is going to make it happen.  Most of the assignments will be to carry on already established programs or activities.
There are handbooks and manuals on all of the important Legion programs—Boys State, baseball, children and youth, veterans affairs and rehabilitation, scholarships, and so on.  Probably you and your adjutant will have already received copies of these from department headquarters.  These manuals have information and ideas that your committee chairs need.  Take these handbooks to the first planning meeting and turn them over to the proper people
right then.  (See Publication List in Index.)
 Recreational Activities
Then there are recreational activities.  The strongest posts are those where the members not only carry on humanitarian service programs, but also have a good time.  When our pioneer forebears assembled to raise a cabin for a neighbor, they ended their labors with a square dance.  So don’t neglect recreational and social activities.  Find out the activities that different groups of members are interested in and provide the means or the opportunity for them to pursue that interest through your post.
Just about every post has some service programs and social activities that were started in the past and have become almost traditional.  Organizations fall into ruts—perhaps more easily than individuals.  Any program carried on exactly the same way year after year is going to grow stale.  So, at this first planning meeting, take a look at your past programs and activities.  Decide on those that need some change or a new look.  No post can stand still.  New programs are needed to maintain interest and, especially, to keep up with the times. 
Every new activity or program offers the opportunity to interest new people in joining the post.  Inactive members can be turned into active members by the same means.
Very little in the world happens without someone to make it happen.  So all of the programs and activities need to have a person in charge.  Usually, this is a post officer or committee chair.  If the selections of chairpersons and officers are good, the programs will move.  You should ask and, in fact, demand that each chairperson and officer build a timetable of events that can be fitted into an overall post calendar for your year.
 First Post Meeting
Now we come to that very important first post meeting.  You know that every member present is going to be judging you in comparison with previous commanders.  At the first meeting, the pattern and the tone are probably going to be set for the entire year.  If changes are going to be made, this is the time to start them.  The new broom is expected to stir up a little dust.  Fortunately, you can lean on the experience of thousands of commanders of the past. 
The basic framework for any post meeting is all spelled out in the Manual of Ceremonies.  By following the prescribed ritual and order of business, even a person who has never before presided over a meeting can do an adequate job.  As a new commander, you might feel a little self-conscious about running a formal meeting, particularly in a post that has gotten away from the Manual of Ceremonies.  But you shouldn’t. 
The American Legion is an impressive organization, and its meetings should be suitably formal and impressive.  No time is saved by omitting parts of the ritual.  Meetings, of course, can and should vary.  There can, and should, be an outside speaker on appropriate occasion.  But by following the prescribed ritual and order of business, you should be able to complete your agenda in no more than one hour. 

“Agenda” is the magic word.  While the Manual of Ceremonies provides the framework or the skeleton for a meeting, the commander’s agenda is what puts meat on the bones.  Item “c” under “Order of Business” in the Manual of Ceremonies reads simply:  “Committee Reports.”  Your personal agenda for the first and each succeeding meeting should list the exact committee scheduled to report.  But before a chairperson’s name goes on the agenda, the commander—at least the foresighted commander—is going to contact each chair and make sure that person is ready to report.  This contact gives you an easy way to check on whether the chair is doing the job.  If not, a little encouragement, a few suggestions, or perhaps even some prodding might be in order.

Although “protocol” is a term used primarily in setting the rules of etiquette, which govern diplomatic functions, there is a certain amount of protocol, which applies to American Legion meetings and social functions, especially those to which dignitaries have been invited.  Protocol for those events is the responsibility of the post commander who should be aware of certain guidelines that begin with the planning of the event.
If the department commander is to be invited, this matter should be cleared promptly with department headquarters.  In preliminary planning, it is advisable to have an alternate date in the event the department commander is already committed for the original date.
Accompany the invitation with some basic facts about the engagement: time, place, whether or not it is a dinner occasion, significance of the event, etc.  Will it be a joint Legion-Auxiliary function?  Will there be non-Legionnaire dignitaries present? 
Remember, this is your “home” and those you’ve invited deserve all the courtesies and considerations to be accorded such distinguished guests.  If the event is a dinner, those who will be seated at the head table should have been notified of this fact before they arrive.  They should be escorted to their places to avoid confusion.  The presiding or host officer is seated just to the right of the podium.  The master of ceremonies is seated just to the left of the podium.  Place-cards identifying those at the head table should be used.
Introductions begin after the meal.  The presiding officer stands at the center of the head table and makes the introductions, beginning at the extreme left, continuing to the center of the table, and then starting at the extreme right and continuing to the center.  The main speaker, the guest of honor, is the last person introduced.
American Legion officers are introduced in the order by which they were installed into office:  sergeant-at-arms, service officer, historian, judge advocate, chaplain, treasurer or finance officer, adjutant, vice commanders, and commander.
As with all rules, there are some exceptions.  If it is a function of both The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary, the Auxiliary officers, dignitaries, etc., are introduced first.  A national executive committeeman or alternate NECman should be introduced immediately before the department commander.
 Welcome Committee
The first meeting is also a good time to start a welcoming committee—in case there has not been one in the past.  Two or three members should be asked to take on the job of welcoming new members, guests, or even older members who are not well acquainted, making them feel at home, and introducing them.  The sergeant-at-arms can often help on this assignment.  An active welcoming committee is a part of the post’s public relations job.

The American Legion Extension Institute
In March of 2012, the Internal Affairs and Magazine Divisions developed an entirely rewritten, online version of The American Legion Extension Institute. The idea of the online course, and soon to be developed booklet form, is to educate and empower the new or inactive American Legion family member. This interactive, multimedia training tool will provide every member an opportunity to learn and discover the rich history, programs, policies, developments, positions and goals of our organization.  
This 90 minute course, composed of 6 modules: History and Organization, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, Children & Youth with a Course wrap-up and a comprehensive final exam, is developed around the Four Pillars of what The American Legion was founded on. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens. 
If you are interested in knowing more about The American Legion and how you can become involved, go to your webpage or visit and sign-up or contact Emblem Sales for a booklet form of the course in the fall of 2012. The American Legion is the nation’s largest and most influential network of U.S. wartime veterans, families and communities, and The American Legion Extension Institute helps bring all this together in one simple to use program. 

Every post is a part of the community.  It will be successful to the degree to which it fits into that community.  Pageantry and patriotic observances are something that the community expects of the Legion.  A well-trained color guard and even a burial detail composed of members of the Legion family will help to keep The American Legion before the public.

Community Projects
Another very valuable way of getting your post knowledgeable—know-how in the right way—is to cooperate with other community organizations in civic projects.  A post commander who knows his business will encourage active participation in civic affairs on the part of the members.  There is personal pride when a local Legionnaire is elected to the school board, heads up the United Way, or even gets a promotion in a job—and will go out of the way to congratulate members on their accomplishments, whether in the Legion or in another field.

There are many ways to say “Thank you.”  Awards and citations may be given at post meetings.  A simple “thank-you” note can mean a great deal.  Mention during a meeting that Comrade Doe has done an excellent job in arranging the Veterans Day celebration.  This is a simple courtesy that should never be forgotten.
So, putting all of these various ideas together they add up to: first, planning; then, assignment of  responsibilities; checking back to make sure the job is being done; and, finally, a THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
If you have an idea that will improve The American Legion at any level, put that idea into words, in the form of a resolution.  First have it passed by your local post; then, have it passed by your district at its annual convention. 
All resolutions passed at a district convention are delivered to the resolutions committee at the following department convention.  At the department convention, you should appear before the resolutions committee and plead for their passage of your resolution, and you should also be prepared to speak for its passage when it comes on the floor of the department convention.  All resolutions pertaining to national, passed at the department are forwarded to national.  (See Resolutions in the index for other sections in this guide.)
Sources of Assistance
You have been shown ways to utilize the potential of your members, but there is more help available when you need it…past commanders, district officers, department officers, etc.
Past Commanders
Many posts have an active Past Commanders’ Club.  Sometimes its primary purpose is social and the retention of good fellowship among those who have served as commanders.  But here is a wealth of knowledge, know-how and ability just ready to be tapped.  Don’t let it go to waste.  Whether such a club is formally organized in your post or not, it is helpful to build a Commander’s Advisory Committee from your past commanders.
District Officers
The post is a separate and distinct unit, which functions independently.  But the work of the post can be more effective if it is joined by a tight link to the department and national organization.  The district and your district officers provide that link. 
The district commander is normally the elected representative of the posts in the district, but an obligation to provide guidance and supervision is also implied.  Posts are charged with carrying out the objectives and programs of the Legion and to comply fully with the obligations assumed under the post, department and national constitutions.  But, if your post becomes inactive or begins to falter, you can expect your district commander to start giving advice.

The district commander has a position of respect in our organization.  A visit to your post calls for something special.  Make it a social event significant enough to draw a crowd.  The dignity shown the office can only be reflected back to increase the importance of the office of post commander.
Department Officers
Department officers are our “show” people.  A visit from one of them usually provides an opportunity for excellent media coverage, and the type of Legion function that will attract your members and community leaders. These officers are your elected leaders and deserving of every respect.  Not every post will receive annual visits from a department commander, but if your invitation is accepted, or there is occasion to visit you, make the most of it.

Department Headquarters
The American Legion is organized in departments for every state, District of Columbia, territorial possessions and several foreign countries.  Each department headquarters exercises a general supervision over the local posts within its jurisdiction.  It is urged that close communication and cooperation be maintained between the post and its department headquarters.
The department headquarters constitutes the link between the community post of The American Legion and the national organization.  The post will deal directly with the department adjutant.  Routine business should be transacted through department headquarters.  Department headquarters is familiar with the issues and conditions of state affairs.  Questions of policy and organization should be referred by the post to department headquarters. 
Through department headquarters any information may be secured that is desired by the post, or the ways of securing it may be found. The commander should keep in close touch with department affairs, know what statewide activities are carried on, and see that his/her post has its full share in them.  He/she should study all instructions from department headquarters and see that they are passed on to the proper officer or committee for action.  Also, the membership of the post needs to be informed of any new activities that may be initiated by the department.
National Headquarters
Practically all of your contacts with national headquarters are rightfully carried through your department headquarters.  There is, however, one publication that should be faithfully read and kept, issue-by-issue.  This is The American Legion DISPATCH published by national headquarters.  The DISPATCH gives you up-to-date information on which to base your programs, the proper timing for programs, and suggested news releases.  

The American Legion Online Update is another publication that helps keep Legionnaires informed.  This is a free publication that is sent to email subscribers on a weekly basis.  

Auxiliary Unit
The Auxiliary unit is an important adjunct to the post’s scheme of organization.  The official contact with the unit is through the unit president.  The unit can help only in proportion to its opportunity.  A good commander will find work for the Auxiliary unit to do.  The commander, or designated representative, will keep in close touch with the unit and give its members plenty of inspiration and encouragement.

While your post could continue to operate if there were no department, district, or national organization, you can be more effective as a part of a team.  You may want to take part in a county or statewide promotion.  You may have an idea that should be developed and expanded beyond your post.  Certainly you want your post to have a voice in deciding the future programs of The American Legion.
District, department, and national conventions are the places where Legion policy is determined.  You will want to make certain that your post is represented by properly elected delegates—particularly on the district and department level.
Each year the district and the department will hold seminars on either general Legion operations or specific Legion programs.  You can go a long way toward solving the future leadership problems in your post by making certain that the post is represented at whatever training session is provided.  You will also find that attendance at district and department functions will do much toward building the esprit de corps that makes for a good Legion post.

Program Reminders
Commander, it’s up to you!  Programs require intelligent planning to be successful.  Here are some reminders that should be of assistance.

JANUARY – Initiation ceremonies are good membership stabilizers.  Keep working membership campaign, especially by contacting those who became delinquent January 1.  A community service survey can reveal areas where additional effort is needed.  A good time to present flags and flag codes to schools. Check dates for oratorical contests, local, district or county, and state.  Plan February program.  March is the official Community Service Month; the beginning of the year is the time to plan and implement initiatives and projects so your post is ready in
the spring.

FEBRUARY – Americanism Month.  Plan school awards with school officials.  Sponsor religious emphasis activities.  Start plans for The American Legion Baseball program.  The veterans’ employment representative will make a good speaker for a post meeting.  Remember observances of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington birthdays.  Plan a big American Legion birthday program for March.

MARCH – Community Service Month   Boys State selection should be given priority attention in March, or earlier.  March 15-17 is the recognized anniversary period of the founding of The American Legion.  Close out membership campaign and mail dues and cards to department before birthday party. All levels of leadership should constantly focus on projecting the proper image of The American Legion in the community, in the programs sponsored and services provided, and also on the appearance of the post home and surrounding grounds.  Post home
appearance can be perceived as a reflection of the attitude, the initiative and the civic awareness of the post membership.  The post reflects the outward image of the whole organization of The American Legion to the citizens in their community.  The post should be a pillar of the community.  One that would invite prospective members and guests based on appearance alone.  This is not intended to be a capital improvement project but one of
attention to detail and routine fix-ups.  Between January and March, the post leadership is encouraged to form a committee to host an "Open House" in March.  One major area of interest to prepare for in March is a Self-Help Program to fix up needed areas in the post home from signage to outside appearance to inside appearance that may have gone unattended due to other priorities. In addition, this item should be included on your annual Post Responsibility Audit (PRA), outlined elsewhere in this Officer's Guide. 

APRIL – Children & Youth Month.  Be sure to coordinate this with the Auxiliary. Secure Children and Youth Guide from department headquarters.  Plan summer scouting activities.  Boys State should be given priority.  How about an old timers’ night?  Community service will elevate your post’s standing in the community.  Plans should be made for election of new officers.
 American Legion Child Welfare Foundation week. 
MAY – May 8-10 is the anniversary of the St. Louis Caucus, which completed original organization of the Legion back in 1919. Armed Forces Day, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day form the basis for good post programs and outreach to our military personnel in communities around the nation.  Excellent time to create a Blue Star Banner Program in the community. 
Do you have a uniformed group in the post? Do you decorate veterans’ graves? 
Present school awards at the end of school.  Implement American Legion Baseball and summer athletic programs. Contact school officials now to get Legion activities approved and on the calendar for next year—oratorical contest, Boys State, school awards, American Education Week, etc. 
 JUNE – Start planning membership drive for next year.  Call on past officers for assistance and guidance.  Decide how you are going to contact the new veterans.  June 14th is Flag Day.  Does your community fly flags on patriotic holidays?  Good time to make a survey.  History of Old Glory would make an excellent program for a post meeting.  Summer youth programs need your support and attendance.  Community service will make your town a better place in which to live.  Get ready for the 4th of July. 
 JULY – Have an old fashioned 4th of July celebration.  Make it a community project. Be sure new officers are certified to department headquarters.  Installation of officers makes an impressive ceremony at a post meeting.  Continue efforts on behalf of summer youth programs. 
 AUGUST –Well-planned programs produce best results.  You should have received next year’s membership cards from department headquarters.  September school starts.  Veterans Day is coming up. 
 SEPTEMBER – National Disaster Preparedness Month.  The 2nd is VJ Day; request churches to ring their bells (symbolically) in your community. Patriot Day—September 11—work with community to recognize this day.  Celebrate the anniversary of Congress approving The American Legion Charter—September 16, 1919.  Opportunity to create a local event to involve civic leaders in celebrating the anniversary.  The 17th is Constitution Day.  Good time for Constitution Day—Citizenship Day program. Present school with adequate copies of Let‘s Be Right on Flag Etiquette, and Need a Lift.  Follow through on membership drive planning.  Co-op ad materials available for Veterans Day. 
OCTOBER – Launch all-out membership campaign.  Planned programs produce.  Columbus Day. Remember, dues for next year are payable by Oct. 20.  Participate in Halloween Safety Programs. 
NOVEMBER – Continue full speed ahead on membership campaign by conducting membership roundups in order to get memberships in before December 31st.  Nov. 11 is Veterans Day.  American Education Week.  Thanksgiving.  Remind members they need next year’s card number when paying American Legion Life Insurance premiums.  Deadline for payment is December 31. 
DECEMBER – Remember Pearl Harbor – an epic event that will forever resonate in America’s history December 7, 1941 – “a day that will live in infamy.” So spoke President Franklin D. Roosevelt. December is also the Holiday Season.  Support activities that bring Christmas cheer to needy families. How about a Christmas party? 
Work toward an all-time high in post membership. Keep plugging for renewals and new members.  Plan to visit fellow veterans in the hospital.

Duties at William Clinton Story Post 342:  From Post By-Laws
Section 1. Duties of Post Commander-
It shall be the duty of the Post Commander to preside at all meetings of the Post and to have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Post, and such officer shall be the chief executive officer of the Post. He shall approve all orders directing the disbursement of funds and shall make an annual report covering the business of the Post for the year and recommendations for the ensuing year, which shall be read at the annual meeting and a copy thereof immediately forwarded to the County Adjutant. He shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post.

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