Wednesday, August 19, 2015

William Clinton Story Post No.342 Picnic & Celebration

William Clinton Story Post No.342 Picnic & Celebration

Most members and friends who came out to the barbeque only expected that we were there just to eat the Murray's fine fried chicken and have the burgers and dogs cooked to order by James Sweeney, Ben Kissling and Sandy Cannon.   But there was a little more to this event organized and supervised by James Sweeney. 

The cake was a special touch to note that we were celebrating the William Clinton Story Post No. 342 97th Birthday.  What few of our members knew was that our post was established in August of 1919 and our first meeting was in September of 1919. 

We were visited by a Legionnaire who was born the same year as the Post.  Walter Reed, a longtime member of the Lakeview American Legion came by to enjoy the day with us.  Walter came to the Picnic with Joe & Joesephine Brendel.

Some photos and videos below.  Enjoy!

Members and friends of Willam Clinton Story Post No. 342.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

“2015 Midshipman Family BBQ”

Mayor Kennedy with the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Legion  Members at the Esplanade.

2015 Midshipman Family Barbeque

The USNA Offshore Training Squadron 3A arrived at the Esplanade on the Nautical Mile between 1 and 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, August 7, 2015.  The Midshipmen were greeted by the Village of Freeport and several of its civic organizations including our own William Clinton Story Post No. 342.

On Saturday, August 8th, some of the Post Membership came out to enjoy some barbeque at the Freeport Recreation Center with the Midshipmen.  It was a time of fun food, good conversation and wonderful camaraderie.  

Sophia Johnson,  Village of Freeport Media Director, provided the photo below of the OSTS-3A Midshipmen along with Veterans, Village of Freeport Officials and Recreation Center Director Vicky Danelli.  All in all, a wonderful Saturday Afternoon.

Monday, August 3, 2015

National Night Out Against Crime

As Legionnaires the following goes to Americanism and as citizens the following event will help the spirit of community:

Bethel AME Zion Church Sponsors the
on Tuesday, August 4th between 6 – 8pm @ Bethel AME Zion Church
420 N. Main Street, Freeport N.Y. for info
Call 516.379.1513

Given the long chain of violent events across the Nation, events like this are meant to strengthen the community and the neighborhoods that make up that community. 

This is an event Sponsored by Freeport Police Department, Freeport Fire Department and Neighborhood Watch Coordinators.
Event at Bethel AME Zion Church parking lot.

Lets Participate!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

VA on Appointments and Veterans Suicide

Veteran Administration area suicide prevention coordinator James Bastien says Clay Hunt act recognizes veterans need 'a lot more' in area of mental health services

The Senate, joining earlier similar action by the House, unanimously approved the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act. President Obama has signed the legislation into law. Its provisions include incentives to help expand mental health staff at the VA's 800 hospitals and clinics, outside evaluations of its mental health programs to target best practices and areas for improvement, and creation of a one-stop website of related resources.

This is significant.  Many older Veterans in previous conflicts have also experienced much the same distress as the OEF/OIF Veterans with one exception:  The Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been sent on multiple deployments and have not have had the same access to mental health professionals as in previous conflicts.

Some Veterans from previous conflicts think that the Veterans of the most recent conflicts are somehow "weak willed" or 'soft' as I myself have heard from Veterans in their 70' and older.  But the grim reality is that lip service has been given to Veterans services and support and real efforts have been severely lacking.
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