Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Why The Legion Matters

Why The Legionnaire Matters

Legionnaire David N. Cockerel with Sgt. Chavez and John Marceda
John Marceda is founder and proprietor of T.J. Patrick’s’ a Sports Pub at 1762 Broadway in Hewlett, New York.  John has made his establishment available to Veterans Groups, to the Police for Law Enforcement functions and Motorcycle Clubs.

Some good folks along with a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club went on a toy drive being motivated by the ‘esprit de corps’ of Marine Corps functions held at T.J. Patrick’s.
The Police Officer’s who had volunteered to take the toys to the Marines are grieving.  With the assassination of our brothers in blue, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu the Police Officers could not be available to get the toys to the Marines for Christmas.

John called the one Lebanon & Grenada era Marine he knew for help.  That Marine (David Cockerel, yours truly) contacted his lean green highly motivated Marine brethren.  
A few days earlier on December 17th 2014, David Cockerel spoke with the executive Officer of Marine Corps District One, Lt. Col. Maxx Godsey at the Freeport High School NJROTC inspection, who mentioned Toys for Tots.

Sgt. Chavez, assigned to Administration at MCD One said, “Dave, have the toys ready to go at 13:00 hrs (Monday).  Marines received so many last minute calls Sgt. Chavez didn’t get to T.J. Patricks until 15:30 hrs.  Sgt Chavez gladly received the ‘Toys for Tots’ on behalf of Marine Corps District One.

John Marceda said, “If it weren’t for you Legionnaires and VFW guys we wouldn’t have been able to get this done in time…thank God for the Marines.”

I asked Commander Richardson to represent the Post when the Marines came for the toys.  The Commander consented.

I encourage Legionnaires all to support the community and ‘stand in the gap’ when a need arises.

Go to there is still time to donate.

Merry Christmas 

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