Post Officer Duties - Finance Officer / Treasurer, Judge Advocate & Chaplain


Finance Officer/Treasurer
“You are the keeper of the moneys and in you is reposed the financial policy of the post.  To you is given charge of the year’s budget and to you is given the duty of the payment of all obligations when proper authorization has been given for such payment.  Your position is an important one, demanding integrity and honesty.  Your election to this office signifies that your comrades have implicit trust in you.  Guard well that trust.”
—Charge from Installation Ceremony

The finance officer/treasurer must be a person of proven integrity and experience in handling financial affairs. The post is dependent on finance, just as any other organization, and will do well to accept expert advice in formulating and administering its financial policy.
The finance officer/treasurer usually serves as the chair of the finance committee and is in charge of all receiving and disbursing of post funds.  The post adjutant, in all matters relating to finance, should carry on the work in close correlation with the finance officer.  Both officers must be covered by adequate bond. 
Department headquarters should be consulted on this for blanket bond arrangement.  Post accounting forms have been designed to meet the requirements of Legion posts in maintaining a correct and permanent membership and finance record.
 Because of their simplicity, they require no special knowledge of bookkeeping or accounting.  Every post adjutant and finance officer/treasurer should insist upon being provided with a set of forms.  They will save time, reduce expenses, save money for the post.  
Refer to the current Emblem Catalog for prices and detailed descriptions, or write to the National Emblem Sales Division at American Legion Flag & Emblem Sales, P.O. Box 36460, Indianapolis, IN  46236.   Be prompt in remitting national and department dues, along with the department record card, to department headquarters.  Note all payments and other transactions on your post membership register.
Duties at William Clinton Story Post 342:  From Post By-Laws
The Treasurer of the Post shall have charge of all finances and see and see that they are safely deposited in a local bank or banks and shall report once a month to the Executive Committee the condition of the finances of the Post, with such recommendations as he may deem expedient or necessary for raising funds with which to carry on the activities of the Post.  He shall furnish such surety bond in such sum as shall be fixed by the Post Executive Committee.


Judge Advocate

“To you, my comrade, is assigned a most important duty for which your legal training and/or past Legion experience so aptly prepare you.  You are the interpreter of the constitution and by-laws of your post, and may at any time be called upon by the commander and other officers and members of the post to rule on the legality of their actions and decisions insofar as they affect the good of The American Legion. 
You are also charged with protecting the integrity of our organization and keeping alight the torch of truth and fidelity that symbolizes the high and ennobling ideals under which our great American Legion was founded.  Protect wisely that heritage.”

—Charge from Installation Ceremony

The primary duty of the judge advocate is to supply professional advice in the conduct of the post business or to procure proper counsel and is the guardian of constitutional form of post government.
Your judge advocate can supply valuable assistance to other post committees and officers.  That officer should be available to the service officer for legal advice and to the Americanism committee on matters relating to education and naturalization laws.  Any post committee can benefit from the judge advocate’s contacts with the office holders of local government.
The judge advocate and legal committee are charged by the suggested post constitution with the duty of auditing post financial accounts.  This should be done annually just before the election of officers or more frequently at their discretion.

Duties at William Clinton Story Post 342:  From Post By-Laws

The Legal Committee shall be charged with the legal supervision of post affairs and audit of Post financial accounts. 


“To you is given the spiritual leadership of this post.  You will, I know, lend dignity and respect to your office.  You should be in close confidence with the commander and the other officers of this post, and should attend all meetings of the post.  You should be ready upon occasion to take your part in the initiation of new members, the dedication of halls, monuments and funeral services for a comrade.  All such ceremonies are made more commemorative by the use of our ritual.  Into your keeping we place the spirit of comradeship of this post.  May harmony and unity prevail.”
 —Charge from Installation Ceremony

 The chaplain need not necessarily be a clergyman, but must be a person capable of moral and intellectual leadership and one who gives dignity and respect to the office.  The chaplain should be in close touch with the commander and other officers of the post and should attend all meetings of the post and executive committee.  The leadership in many of the post’s activities belongs of right to the chaplain, and when this office is filled by the right kind of person, the usefulness of the post to the community will be greatly increased.
The Manual of Ceremonies gives an important place to the chaplain in the conduct of meetings, in the observance of patriotic occasions, funeral services and dedication ceremonies.  On these occasions, the chaplain is the moral leader. The chaplain should cooperate with the post historian on graves registration work and inspire the post to its full duty in seeing that graves are decorated on Memorial Day.  Besides officiating when requested at funerals of members, the chaplain can be of service to bereaved families of post members. 
The chaplain may serve as chair of the post’s Veterans Administration Voluntary Services (VAVS) Committee  that coordinates the volunteer endeavors of the membership of nearby VA hospital facilities.  The sick should be visited at hospital or home.  For more information on VAVS, write the National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Division, The American Legion, 1608 K St. NW, Washington, DC  20006.
The American Legion Service to God and Country handbook, available through department headquarters, gives a history of this program and offers working aids for the post chaplain and religious emphasis committee.
 Duties at William Clinton Story Post 342:  From Post By-Laws
The Post Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the post comrades and will offer divine but non-sectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., adhere to such ceremonial rituals as are recommended by national or department headquarters from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Provides leadership to the organization, presides over meetings, sets agendas, and represents the organization in official capacities. Way Screen Mirror Keeps records of meetings, maintains official documents.
