Thursday, March 5, 2015

Updates and Notices

2015 Freeport Memorial Day Parade Committee Meeting has been postponed and will be held at Freeport Memorial Library on Tuesday March 10th 2015 at 7:00 pm.  

Committee Chairman James Sweeney wants to hear any concerns, criticism or suggestions on what can be done better and to welcome all organizations who want to participate.

You can contact the William Clinton Story Post 342 (Freeport ,American Legion) at this e-mail address;

Thank You For Your Support

The Parade Committee-William Clinton Story Post 342 Legionnaires: James Sweeney- Chairman, Ed Martin, Ben Kissling, Coy Richardson-Commander, Saundra Cannon,Calvin Andrew & David Cockerel

If you want something published in the "Dugout" for next month and hereafter, see the information below.
Articles, Information & News
The Commander has informed me to make available space in the Dugout and on this website for articles, information and news beneficial to the Post from Legionnaires within the Post.  

The Commander also wants notifications of updates sent to Legionnaires, Veterans and Citizens who have interest in the Post.

Anything that a Legionnaire submits for print in the “Dugout” must be submitted under the following criteria:

1)     Know and abide by The American Legion’s principles when participating on social computing networks.  (see the American Legion Information page on this website)

2)   Make sure you identify yourself and your relationship to the American Legion; make sure your speaking for yourself and not the American Legion or any other entity that has not authorized you to do so.

3)   Respect Copyright Laws.  Submit photos you have taken with your article, information or news if you have it.  Any photos not submitted to the Post or that have not been expressly released by the source will not be used in the Dugout.

4)   Understand you are directly responsible for any information submitted for publication and that the information submitted is subject to editing as the Post Commander or his assigns see fit.

5)     Defamation is generally any false communication that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person. Defaming others is against the law and can have serious consequences.  The Editor of the Dugout, the Adjutant and the Commander can and will deny publication of any defamatory content.

6)   Respect the privacy of others. Divulging private information of others can be a criminal offense. Respect others.  Do not publish content that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane, or otherwise violates the rights of others.

7)    Have all materials available for publication in the “Dugout” at the time of the Post Meeting or email it to the Editor, Adjutant or Commander by the third Friday in the month for publication in the “Dugout” for the following month.

8)   Articles, information and news a Legionnaire wants published on this website can be posted in the “comments” section at the bottom of any Posted article.  For specific items for a ‘new post’ on the website information will be emailed to the Editor and the Commander and Adjutant are to be “Cc’d”.

Thank You For Your Support
Commander Coy Richardson

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Principles of Americanism
The characteristic that distinguishes our form of government from others is the recognition of the truth that the inherent and fundamental rights of men are derived from God and not from governments, dictators, or majorities.
The unalienable rights, which are the gifts of man from his Creator are: freedom of worship;
freedom of speech and press;
freedom of assemblage;
freedom to work in such occupation as the experience, training and qualifications of man may enable him to secure and hold;
freedom to enjoy the fruits of his work, which means the protection of property rights;
and the right to pursue his happiness so long as he does not harm others in the pursuit of this happiness.
Upon these basic principles, the structure of our form of government was established. 

This website will dedicate a page to Americanism.   We will extol the activities of Americanism that William Clinton Story Post 342 participates in and is in support of in the Village of Freeport, Nassau County and New York State.